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Deema Aburizik


Committed for saving environment


Tel:        + 962 6 5334222

              + 962 6 5359025

Mobile: + 962 79 5274532


P.O Box: 2787, Amman 11953




 July 9, 1979 Amman- Jordan






 Fluent English and Arabic


2000 - 2004 University of Jordan

Amman - Jordan

B.S c in Architectural Engineering

1997 - 2000 Jordan University of Science and Technology .Irbid - Jordan

Architectural Engineering Department




- Graduation Project Thesis:

Palace of Justice at Salt

- Evolution of the Arch.

- The Post Modern Architecture Influence in Amman.

- The Evolution of Acoustical Halls - The Opera.

- Ras Al Ain - New Meanings.

- Darat Al Funon: A Place of Contemplation.

- The Story of Building no.16-Khirfan Street.

- Karak, City of Sustainable tourism.

- Jabal Amman-Effect of reuse and rehabilitation of buildings.

- Saving Um Qais.





-Jordan Environment Society, Amman - Jordan,

July 1997.

One-month preparation for “Clean up the World Campaign”.


-Saving Um Qais –Sept.1998- May 1999.

House visits and workshops to increase locals' awareness regarding their right in deciding strategic development schemes.


-IEASTE- Amman - Jordan, summer 2001

Hosting foreign engineering student's from Europe joining internship programs in Jordan, which included site visits, and coordination following up with the local firms.


-Arab American Antidiscrimination Committee, ADC  Houston, TX-USA, summer 2002.

Volunteer Interpreter of Articles and Documentaries.


-Youth Development Program INJAZ & Community Service Office at University of Jordan .October 2003-present. Co-founder and president



Center for the Study of the Built Environment

October 2003-Present

Research and Coordination Officer & Office Manager

Grey Water project and Water Conserving Landscapes project.

Duties included: Coordination, organization and Following up on various issues related to project. In addition to drafting and development any material needed for the project, for brochures, panels, correspondents, and reports.

Also serving as a liaison officer between CSBE and Habitat for Humanity- Jordan: Conducting social visits at least once a week to villages in the Jordan Valley, to identify Common concerns: improved quality of life for all stakeholders: working together with health and housing specialists.(


 Architectural Laboratory: Facade Zero

July 2003 - September 2003, Amman - Jordan

Research and Teaching Assistant

Duties included preparing lectures,

Coordination and organization of all

The Workshop activities.


2002 STM & Associates

July 2002 - October 2002, Houston TX – USA- Internship

Main responsibilities included designing,

Drawing and reviewing two dimensional Drawings, Submission for permit, and meetings with clients, Weekly site visits, writing proposals, and invoices.


1999 ESCWA

Summer 2000, Amman - Jordan

Research Assistant

Main duties included research, gathering and verifying Information on urban Municipalities including Zarqa, Amman and Irbid, in addition to data-entry, information revision, and computer support.

Research was supervised by Dr. Fuad Malkawi, and was published in 2000



-World Heritage Organization & UNESCO,

Amman – Jordan. May 2002

Workshop included papers presented by several disciples including architects.


-World Health Organization & CEHA .October 2003. Regional consultation meeting to review national priorities and action plans for wastewater reuse and management.

Amman-Jordan .


-Water Demand Management- November, 2003 .Organized by the Ministry of water And Irrigation.


-Young Entrepreneurs Association. Celebrating Talent Forum at the Dead Sea-Jordan. January 2004

Participated put guidelines recommendation for a better education that produces Entrepreneurs students.



- Great Arab Revolution Memorial- Raghadan Palace.

- Free Structure Design.

- Vernacular Architecture - Villa at Um Qais.

- Energy-efficient House at Safawi- Badia.

- Astro-Museum at Wadi Rum.

- Villa at Khirfan Street.

- Post Office at a village.

- Gas Station on Airport road.

- Slaughter's House in Marka.

- Experimental Theatre at the University of Jordan.

- Bookshop at Khirfan Street (In-fill).

- Children's museum at Hussein Park.

- Interior Design.

- Multi Storey Building in Gardens Street




Proficient in Maya, AutoCAD 2D and 3D, Adobe Photoshop,

Microsoft Office Tools and familiar with all Internet browsers.

Drawing and Painting in various media, including ink, pencil, and Prisma colors





Ambitious and always seeking to achieve results and make a difference. Dynamic in nature and take initiative. Furthermore, work well with others, and can work with minimum guidance.



- Youth Leadership for Social Development: United Nations University/ International Leadership Institute February - June 2004


-  Introduction to Islamic Architecture: organized by the Royal Society of Fine Arts and CBSE 2-22 June 2004


- Freedom Democracy and Society: organized by Center for Defending Freedom of Journalists and the Democracy Endowment Fund, January 2004


- Success Skills: INJAZ-University of Jordan- community service office, October-December2003


 - Leadership Skill: INJAZ- University of Jordan- community service office, October-December2003


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